Edgar Mitchell è deceduto.

Scusate, scrivo di getto a caldo. È come se avessi perso un parente.

Mentre ero in viaggio, arriva un sms… Edgar Mitchell è morto! Penso: "scherzo di cattivo gusto" Poi leggo email e altri messaggi, tutti dicono “ma lo sai che…” 

Mitchell con il comandante di Apollo 14, Alan Shepard ha esplorato gli altopiani di Fra Mauro. Fu il terzo sbarco sulla Luna da parte  degli  Stati Uniti  (5 febbraio 1971).

“Siamo andati sulla luna come tecnici; siamo tornati come umanisti.” 
Edgar Mitchell

Il dr. Edgar Mitchell, Astronauta, Apollo 14 LMP e sesto uomo a camminare sulla Luna, è morto giovedi (4 febbraio), il giorno prima l'anniversario della sua atterraggio lunare. Aveva 85 anni. Mitchell è deceduto dopo una breve malattia in un ospedale vicino casa sua a West Palm Beach, in Florida.

È con grande tristezza e incredulità che ricevo la notizia della scomparsa di Edgar Mitchell. Mi unisco alla sua famiglia nel dolore di una così grande perdita. I miei pensieri vanno a loro. Solo mercoledì avevo parlato con la sua assistente storica Kathy e nulla presagiva questo tragico evento.

Permettetemi un ricordo personale: conoscevo il dr. Mitchell, (per me semplicemente Ed), da molti anni. Quando decisi di scrivere un libro sul Programma Apollo, lui fu il primo a rilasciarmi un'intervista. Sempre disponibile, anche negli ultimi tempi quando faceva fatica a viaggiare, non ha mai mancato gli appuntamenti.

Sempre schietto e diretto, mai giri di parole, era un uomo concreto che conosceva gli esseri umani come pochi. Introspettivo, profondo, irraggiungibile per molti di noi. Rimane il ricordo di un grande uomo, intelligente, coraggioso e sensibile.

Adesso, ne sono certo, troverà finalmente tutte le risposte sulla natura della coscienza umana, risposte che ha tanto cercato quando era in vita.

Continuerà a ispirarci e non sarà mai dimenticato.

Godspeed Ed!

“Nello spazio profondo sviluppi un’istantanea consapevolezza globale, un orientamento verso le persone, un’intensa insoddisfazione sullo stato del mondo, un impulso di fare qualcosa a riguardo. Da lassù sulla Luna, i problemi di politica internazionale sembrano così insignificanti. Vorresti prendere i politici per la collottola, trascinarli per un quarto di milione di miglia e dirgli ‘Guardati intorno, stronzo!'”  Edgar Mitchell


Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell's Epiphany: "Certain truths seemed brilliantly clear, truths that became suddenly obscured within the atmosphere of the Earth. In space it seemed so obvious that the processes of the universe are innately and harmoniously connected..." On the occasion of the European tour American astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the organization SwissApollo has commissioned a short film to commemorate the journey to the Moon from Apollo 14 mission.  The scenes were filmed inside the Apollo capsule on display at the Museum of Flight. The short film is still a work in progress and soon you can see the trailer. The video, in which I had the privilege of giving the face in Mitchell, was directed by Julien Dumont and was presented in Tramelan (Bern) July 7, 2014 at the conference attended by Mitchell.

Astronauta Dr. Edgar Mitchell: "Certe verità sembravano chiare e brillanti, verità che sono state improvvisamente oscurate all'interno dell'atmosfera terrestre. Nello spazio sembrava così ovvio che i processi dell'universo sono innatamente e armoniosamente collegati ..."
In occasione del tour europeo dell'astronauta americano Edgar Mitchell, l'organizzazione SwissApollo ha commissionato un cortometraggio per ricordare il viaggio verso la Luna della missione Apollo 14.  Il video, nel quale ho avuto il privilegio di dare il volto a Mitchell, è stato diretto da Julien Dumont ed è stato presentato a Tramelan (Berna) il 7 luglio 2014 in occasione della conferenza dello stesso Mitchell.Le scene  sono state girate all'interno della Capsula Apollo esposta all'epoca presso il Museo del Volo.

Coelum Astronomia N.198


NEWS: PalmBeachPost

Dr. Edgar Mitchell BIO
1930 - 2016

Mitchell was born September 17, 1930, in Hereford, Texas. He received a Bachelor of Science in industrial management from Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1952; a Bachelor of Science in aeronautical engineering from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in 1961, and a Doctorate of Science in aeronautics/astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1964.

He entered the Navy in 1952 and was commissioned an ensign a year later. He completed flight training in July 1954 and was assigned to Patrol Squadron 29 deployed to Okinawa. Assigned to Heavy Attack Squadron Two in 1957, he flew off the aircraft carriers USS Bon Homme Richard and USS Ticonderoga. He later served as a research pilot with Air Development Squadron Five and as chief of Project Management Division of the Navy Field Office for the Manned Orbiting Laboratory project.

Mitchell was selected as a NASA astronaut in April 1966 after graduating first in his class from the Air Force Aerospace Research Pilot School, where he was both a student and an instructor.

His only space assignment was a Lunar Module pilot for Apollo 14, a 10-day lunar exploration flight that lifted off January 31, 1971. His crewmates were Commander Alan Shepard and Command Module pilot Stuart Roosa. On February 5, Shepard and Mitchell landed their Lunar Module “Antares” in the Fra Mauro highlands while Roosa orbited overhead in “Kitty Hawk.” During 33 hours on the surface, Shepard and Mitchell made two outside excursions during which they set up a nuclear-powered science station, collected 92 pounds of moon rocks and gathered deep-down soil samples by driving core tubes into the surface. The blastoff from the moon was routine and they linked up with Roosa for a safe trip back to Earth.

Mitchell long had an interest in extra-sensory perception and during the moon flight he conducted ESP experiments with a friend in Chicago. Following the Apollo program, he retired from NASA and from the Navy as a captain and founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences in an effort to integrate various scientific disciplines into the study of human consciousness. He has written several books, including the 1996 “The Way of the Explorers,” which addresses the latest research in this field. 


Dr. Edgar Mitchell was an Apollo 14 Astronaut and  the sixth of twelve men to walk on the moon. He was the Chairman Emeritus of Eternea and had many other distinguished accomplishments during his long career (click for more information) .

Dr. Mitchell was one of a three man crew on the Apollo 14 mission to the moon in 1971. Dr. Mitchell spent several years preparing for that trip in training and studying many NASA manuals developed for all the Apollo crews. As Dr. Mitchell liked to remind us, we are also crew members of a spaceship, but with a few major differences. Our spaceship is an incredibly complex but efficient system. It is self organizing, self repairing, self recycling, and one with huge but finite resources. It is one where all the parts are totally synergistic with each other. At least that’s how spaceship Earth has been operating for most of its history. When humankind’s numbers were smaller and before the advent our technological society, spaceship Earth operated just fine. We didn’t even need a manual or any training to insure that it did.

Unfortunately, as Dr. Mitchell noted from his unique vantage point in deep space, it became obvious to him that humanity is increasingly putting our spaceship – our only home and all its inhabitants in harm’s way. This is due to the very things that have made us so successful as a species. Our recent explosive population growth and our newly discovered powerful technologies are coupled with antiquated values, inappropriate beliefs and incomplete knowledge and understanding of how spaceship Earth really works. This combination creates a very dangerous brew indeed. Dr. Mitchell was one of the few people on this planet who had the unique perspective, knowledge, and experience to see our spaceship as it really is and to reflect on its crew, how it operates and how we need to change to insure a sustainable future. Credit Eternea

From Kennedy Space Center:
Today we honor the life of Astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell, lunar module pilot of the Apollo 14 lunar landing mission. A wreath was laid at the Apollo Saturn V Center at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. 

Press release:
Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise to speak at memorial tribute service for Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell
The family of Edgar D. Mitchell, lunar module pilot for Apollo 14 and the sixth human to walk on the moon, today released information for the memorial tribute service to be held at 4pm on February 23, 2016 in West Palm Beach, FL.
Dr. Mitchell died Feb. 4 at age 85. His death coincided with the 45th anniversary of his Apollo 14 flight, Jan. 31 – Feb. 9, 1971.

Joining the family and other dignitaries to celebrate the life of Mitchell will be Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise, Jr. The two men were friends throughout their time in the space program and remained close since. The community will be treated to hearing from Captain Haise some personal thoughts and commentary on Dr. Mitchell's extraordinary life and accomplishments.

Fred Haise is a former naval aviator, fighter pilot, test pilot, and NASA astronaut. He is one of only 24 people to have flown to the Moon, having flown as Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 13. He was to have been the sixth person to land and walk on the Moon, but the Apollo 13 mission was aborted before lunar landing. He went on to fly Space Shuttle Approach and Landing Tests in 1977 and retired from NASA in 1979.

Ceremony details are as follows and are open to the public.

The service will begin at 4pm on Tuesday, February 23 at Dreher Park, immediately adjacent [map] to the South Florida Science Museum in West Palm Beach, Florida. 

A reception with the family will follow the service from 5:30 to 7:00pm inside the Science Museum. [If planning to attend the reception, please RSVP.]

Edgar Mitchell is survived by his daughters Karlyn Mitchell (Cary, NC) and Elizabeth Kendall (Rosedale, MD); his adopted children Kimberly Mitchell (West Palm Beach, FL), Paul Mitchell (Tallahassee, FL) and Mary Beth Johnson (Ridgewood, NJ); nine grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and several nieces and nephews, including nephew Mitchell Harkins and niece Belinda Hardy. Edgar was also preceded in death by his beloved son, Adam B. Mitchell. Credit: Collectspace.com 

Credit: Collectspace.com 

Credit: Collectspace.com 

Credit: Collectspace.com 


Lorenzo Gallus ha detto…
"Continuerà ad ispirarci e non sarà dimenticato." come tutto il Programma Apollo. Grazie Pizzimenti, hai riassunto tutto in una riga.

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