EVA annullata per liquido nel casco di un astronauta
Gli astronauti Tim Kopra e Tim Peake con la ripressurizzazione della camera di decompressione alle 12:31(EST), hanno concluso la loro passeggiata spaziale. L'EVA è stat interrotta dopo che Kopra ha riferito che una piccola bolla di liquidi si era formata all'interno del suo casco. (Come già accadde al nostro astronauta, Luca Parmitano).
Il comandante Scott Kelly ha assistito i membri dell'equipaggio con una rimozione accelerata delle loro tute spaziali e i caschi. Una volta rimosse, gli astronauti hanno utilizzato una siringa per prelevare un campione del liquido e determinare cosa sia accaduto dentro il casco di Kopra. Comunque, l'equipaggio non è mai stato in pericolo ed è rientrato in modo ordinato.
Gli astronauti hanno sostituito un regolatore di tensione guasto che ha causato una perdita di potenza di uno dei canali della stazione, realizzando l'obiettivo principale per questa passeggiata spaziale. Durata dell'EVA, 4 ore e 43 minuti. La passeggiata nello spazio è stata la terza per Kopra e la prima per Peake, arrivato alla stazione il 15 dicembre scorso.
E 'stata la passeggiata numero 192, da quando è stato lanciato il primo modulo della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale.
Durante l'EVA dei suoi colleghi nello Spazio, l'astronauta italiano Luca Parmitano ha risposto a centinaia di domande e curiosità. Ho pensato che forse potevano essere utili e di seguito leggerete alcune sue risposte.
Ringrazio Luca Parmitano per aver risposto anche alle mia domanda (che per ovvi motivi doveva lasciare spazio ad una risposta secca) e gli auguro di tornare presto nello Spazio per una nuova missione.
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Luca Parmitano durante il training |
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Luca Parmitano durante l'EVA |
L'ordine cronologico delle domande parte dal basso e termina con gli ultimi due messaggi di Parmitano (in grassetto).
Luca Parmitano @astro_luca
Sorry to have to stop answering your questions, but trust me, I had good reasons. This terminates the #askLuca session: thank you!
Luca Parmitano : Happy to see @astro_timpeake and @astro_tim safe inside. This is how I measure success:1)crew-safe 2)main objective-completed
Luca Parmitano: In orbita c'è sempre qualche suono. Dentro l'EMU, è il suono dei ventilatori e il fruscio delle radio.
Luca hai mai provato la sensazione di silenzio assoluto? O c é sempre qualche rumore di fondo?
Luca Parmitano :Dipende da come l'astronauta controlla il flusso del liquido di raffreddamento.
Durante un EVA che temperature si percepiscono?
Luca Parmitano: We have to quickly deploy and use the SAFER to stabilise ourselves and fly back to the ISS.
What is the procedure if a spacewalker accidentally is un-tethered from ISS and starts to float away?
Luca Parmitano :A lot less crowded in orbit.
Luca, how did start of first EVA compare to start of IMWC in Kona?
Luca Parmitano : It goes in the blink of an eye.
Luca, does time pass by quickly or slowly when doing work on a spacewalk?
Luca Parmitano: Più o meno come un vecchio modem 56k
Quanto è veloce la connessione internet sulla ISS?
Luca Parmitano: 50mm, 180mm, 400mm
Con che obiettivi fotografate la terra da così lontano? Grazie!
Luca Parmitano :Yes, of course. But I felt them flutter even more the first time I saw my wife. I still do.
Do you feel butterflies in your stomach when you do a Spacewalk
Luca Parmitano :1) absolutely 2) as soon as they let me 3) my next crew, of course
Luca, Do you want to go back to space again? If so, when do you think you can go back? And who will be your preferred crew?
Luca Parmitano :All the time.
Luca do you ever get homesick for being back on earth?
Luca Parmitano : I'll take the ISS again first, thank you. Then the Moon. Then Mars :)
Luca if you can choose:would you like to go on the Moon , on Mars or on the Space Station again?
Luca Parmitano : Nope, we're very, very careful with our tethers.
Luca tether hooks look same do they ever get mixed up? Tim just swapping now!
Luca Parmitano : No. Quite the opposite.
Luca do you have an impression of loneliness during EVA?
Luca Parmitano : Il pilota sperimentatore. Cioè il mio lavoro!
Luca ciao! una domanda classica ma sono curioso: se non avessi fatto l'astronauta che #lavoro avresti voluto fare? buon lavoro!
Luca Parmitano : But I am! You didn't notice my goatee?
Luca would you be an astronaut if you were hairy?
Luca Parmitano : Yes, absolutely.
Luca Do you ever get to pause and "take it all in" while on EVA?
Luca Parmitano :Well, you do notice that you're in space...
Luca is there any sense of height (above the earth) during a space walk? Or do you not notice?
Luca Parmitano :1) About every couple of months. 2) No
Luca How often is it needed to correct ISS' attitude. Is the att. affected by astronauts leaving and entering the station?
Luca Parmitano :Dipende da chi è a bordo.
Luca un anno da solo sulla iss, psicologicamente sarebbe sopportabile?? Su The martian prendono aspetto solitudine alla leggera.
Luca Parmitano :90 to 92 minutes.
Luca, What is the orbital period of the iss around the earth? speed = 17k miles per hour ~
Luca Parmitano :They get a half duty day tomorrow.
Luca, how much recovery time will the crew need after this walk?
Luca Parmitano: Liceo scientifico, Accademia Aeronautica, EPNER.
Grande Luca, ti seguo sempre! Che studi hai seguito per intraprendere la tua carriera?
Luca Parmitano: any vector would take you away from the ISS eventually.
What's the escape velocity from ISS?
Luca Parmitano: I'm not sure I want to disclose what my suit smelled like after the EVA...
Luca do you agree with the people that say space smells like hot metal? I hear the suits do after an EVA.
Luca Parmitano :Only when I have to answer mundane questions :)
Luca does your work ever feel mundane? Or do you keep a sense of excitement/awe at what is going on?
Luca Parmitano : It could be serious, but it's never happened.
How serious can the problems cause by micrometeorites be? Do they often require repairs?
Luca Parmitano : But seriously, you'd hear the fans that are constantly on.
Luca What can you hear at night when going asleep on the ISS?
Luca Parmitano : Me snoring. If I'm there. Probably even if I'm not.
Luca What can you hear at night when going asleep on the ISS?
Luca Parmitano: It's like wearing 2 pair of ski gloves - if they were made of hard, pressurised rubber.
Luca I have trouble doing anything with winter gloves on. What are the gloves like on the suit? Easier to maneuver?
Luca Parmitano :Cleanup and safe the suit, quick debrief, dinner.
@astro_luca Luca what's the protocol/procedure following completion of the spacewalk and return to the ISS for the 2 Tims?
Luca Parmitano: 250lb or about 115kg
@astro_luca how much it weights your space suit?
Luca Parmitano:In exactly a week.
@astro_luca when we will see you in CAPCOM seat? :)
Luca Parmitano:Nervous? No comprendes... ;)
Luca when are you most nervous, during the spacewalk or just before going out from the ISS?
Luca Parmitano:No, also minor impacts.
Luca is that only heat/cold protection? thanks for your replies by the way!
Luca Parmitano :Would it matter if you were in orbit? Probably not! :)
Luca best view of earth from the spacewalk or from inside the ISS?
Luca Parmitano:È molto dettagliata ma dipende anche dalla preferenza dell'equipaggio.
@astro_luca l'EVA è pianificata in precedenza nei minimi dettagli o sapete cosa fare a grandi linee e siete guidati passo passo da terra?
Luca Parmitano:The standard required is a max of 30'
Luca how fast can they get back in ISS in case of emergency? You should know!
Luca Parmitano :The 8 solar panels provide more power than it's needed.
Luca how's ISS power capacity? It's not at maximum due to failed piece they're replacing right now?
Luca Parmitano:Yes, the other crew member outside would help him inside
Luca How do you deal with a colleague on EVA who is confused, overwhelmed or distressed? Is someone ready to go out to them?
Luca Parmitano :From a technical point of view it's possible.
Luca can you listen to music during an EVA?
Luca Parmitano @astro_luca ha Ritwittato a @LuigiPizzimenti
Conosciamo bene le strutture della Stazione.
Luca, quando eri nella zona d'ombra come ti orientavi durante l'EVA? Grazie.
Luca Parmitano :I'd like to go, but I'd want to come back to Earth.
@astro_luca What do you think of @SpaceX’s plans to colonize mars and would you go?
Luca Parmitano @astro_luca
It depends on the complexity of the tasks.
If not scheduled, how long does it take to plan a new #spacewalk on ground and onboard of #ISS?
Luca Parmitano :Yes, it's that dark. No, they wouldn't see much without those lights.
Luca is it really this dark during the eclipse? would they see anything w/o the lights? no moon reflection?
Luca Parmitano :They're enough to operate.
Luca, does the dark make the work more difficult or are the helmet lights enough to work?
Luca Parmitano :No - Sì
Luca nello spazio succede qualcosa alla lacrimazione involontaria degli occhi? Si possono indossare lenti a contatto?
Luca Parmitano :Overall quite frequent but minor.
How common are micrometeorite impacts on the ISS?
Luca Parmitano :Definitely not. And I definitely would have felt it if it went through!
Did you ever get hit by micrometeorites on a spacewalk? Did you feel it?
Luca Parmitano :About 5 to 10' for each astronaut.
Luca, how much time does it take you to get into the space suit?
Luca Parmitano :In general, no
Luca are suit checks/procedures updated after every EVA?
Luca Parmitano :I'm definitely relaxed when telling the story ;)
Luca Just seen your interview on sky. You are so cool and relaxed. Scary how 1.5L entered your helmet on an EVA.
Luca Parmitano :They're regular cameras wrapped in MLI (Multi Layered Insulation)
Luca Are those regular cameras they use to take photos, just wrapped up, or are they modified in any way?
Luca Parmitano :No. Uncomfortable? Yes.
Luca is it painful inside the EVA suit?
Luca Parmitano :If it can be recovered it will be refurbished.
Luca May I ask what happens to the failed unit ?
Luca Parmitano :Because you can't turn your head.
Luca, Why do they have mirrors on their wrists?
Luca Parmitano :I'd give it a 7...
Luca From 1 to 10: how realistic is the underwater training related to a spacewalk?
Luca Parmitano :They're always anchored through a safety tether
Luca are they ever moving around w/o being tethered? As I noticed @astro_tim move a distance without a hook.
Luca Parmitano : They can't: but we track thousands of space debris with ground radars, so we know they're not in danger.
Luca, would like to know how TheTims avoid space debris when out on their spacewalk.
Luca Parmitano :Solo per brevi periodi, e solo se un esperimento lo prevede.
Luca Prima di una missione, siete obbligati a seguire una dieta particolare?
Luca Parmitano :That was me (having the water leak) but I never wore anything on my head! (Not even my hair...) During spacewalk one astronaut's suit developed a coolant leak; subsequent walks he had to wear one on his head!
Luca Parmitano : We avoid known space debris by changing our orbit - so the danger is minimised. Micrometeorites are unpredictable.
Luca Will space debri move just as fast? If so, How much notice are you given to avoid it & get back in?
Luca Parmitano :Usually, you get a couple of minutes here and there.
Luca, is there an opportunity to just stop for a minute and take it all?
Luca Parmitano :I have no idea. I stayed inside the space suit the whole time. :)
Luca,What does being in the vacuum of space actually FEEL like?
Luca Parmitano : No, it was not a water bag issue. It was a mechanical failure in the life support system.
It was water bag that caused major issue with @astro_luca and now why helmet pads are used
Luca Parmitano: Yes, in British English it's called a 'nappy', aka a 'diaper'. In Space jargon it's a MAG: Max Absorbency Garment
Luca, 6.5hrs is a long time to go without a toilet break! Is there provision for this in the suit?